How We Can Help You Achieve Full Potential...Organizations are coming to realize that true competitive advantage and sustainable performance ONLY happen when the people within the organization...
There are many proven examples where this focus on environment, culture and people has achieved spectacular results: Chik-fil-A, Workday, Four Seasons Hotels, Hubspot, Elsevier and Apple are just a few examples. Leadership Associates is a team of experienced development professionals that help organizations create this kind of high-performance environment. We use the proven “best practices” and most effective tools of organizational assessment and leadership development to improve INDIVIDUAL capabilities, thereby dramatically improving organizational results. Our work is focused mostly on senior managers and executives. We work closely with the defined organizational strategies and existing structure to integrate new leadership skills and attitudes throughout the company. This approach is known as creating a culture of “leadership-at-all-levels.” What kind of results can you expect when you commit to organizational improvement through leadership development? A 30-year long study by Aubrey Daniels International has shown that there is a direct correlation between the leadership effectiveness of the management team and performance, and that the improvement ranges from 30% up to an incredible 300% better performance in the companies with the most effective leadership-at-all-levels! Clearly, it pays to create a culture of leadership. Four Steps to a Total Solution for a comprehensive performance improvement program: Assessment: Before embarking on a journey to “being better” it is essential to first establish your starting point. Using a substantial toolkit of proven instruments, we can measure the current organizational effectiveness, attitudes, and critical improvement areas. Among others, we offer our proprietary OD Matrix Assessment which uniquely compares perceptions between various levels of employee ranks and clearly identifies the most significant “gap” in these motivational beliefs. Individual development usually begins with a personal leadership assessment to identify natural strengths and challenge areas, and is best applied in a 360 degree feedback process that maps the perceptions of those in the leader’s span of influence. Development Design: Once the current baseline is understood the next step is to clarify the objectives. These goals should be short-, mid-, and long-term, and have both quantitative and qualitative metrics defined. This leads to defining the steps that will lead from “current state” to the ‘ideal state,” whether applied to the entire organization, a single functional area or department, or a single leader. Implementation: Leadership Associates works with your management staff to achieve steady progress. The process milestones may be accomplished through training, knowledge, mentoring, coaching, infrastructure, organizational redesign, communications, reinforcement, compensation plans, and logistics. Our professional associates and affiliates bring a complimentary set of abilities to deliver, support and guide the process implementation. Continuous Improvement: To track progress and celebrate incremental wins, periodic program measurements must be conducted, best performed by unbiased external professionals. Of course, no person or organization ever reaches the point where no further improvement is needed, so we make it our business to establish an ongoing process for discovering and pursuing new growth and improvement opportunities. Our expertise is also available for stand-alone projects, such as executive training sessions, coaching, strategic planning facilitation, etc. In addition, Leadership Associates also offers the acclaimed Leadership course, our proprietary L.E.A.P. Program (Leadership Effectiveness Accelerated Process). This unique “leadership boot camp” for experienced managers and executives is a ten month process of discovering their personal leadership strengths, and improving how they are perceived by those they influence. The L.E.A.P. Program is offered in Dallas, Austin and San Antonio, and is also available to corporate groups of 12 or more. For more information, click here. |